
Transforming your data into a multilingual, real-time chatbot.

Open AI tool

Product information and features

With ChatFast, you can create your own GPT chatbot that delivers real-time responses based on your content. This AI tool can analyze a wide range of data sources, from plain text and PDFs to website URLs and even image-based text. You'll have the flexibility to guide your chatbot's responses by adding custom Q&A pairs, making it a versatile tool for addressing user inquiries.

One of the key features of ChatFast is its ability to understand and respond to queries in over 50 languages. Even if your text is in one language, the chatbot can respond in the language of the user's query. This ensures a smoother user experience for your website visitors, regardless of their language preference.

ChatFast also collects visitor data to provide you with valuable insights into why users are getting in touch. These analytics can help you refine your content and customer support strategy. There's also an API available on the paid plans, which lets you integrate the chatbot into your existing systems seamlessly.

While there's no free trial, there is a free-tier option available. If you need help or have any questions, you can reach out to the team at

In summary, ChatFast transforms your data into a multilingual, real-time chatbot that improves user interactions and provides insightful analytics. Whether you're a business or an individual, this tool can help you provide automated, content-specific customer support.

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