
Transform your documents into interactive conversations, with no coding required.

Open AI tool

Product information and features

Imagine a tool that allows you to interact with your documents in a whole new way. The power of IngestAI, an AI tool, allows you to convert your documents into a chat-friendly format. Whether you're using Slack, Discord, WhatsApp, or any other application, this tool seamlessly integrates into your communication platforms.

What's more? IngestAI eliminates the need for technical skills or coding knowledge. It's as simple as signing up, uploading your documents, and starting a conversation with them through our WebChat. But it doesn't stop there. You have the freedom to create your own unique chatbot within various platforms such as Slack, WhatsApp, Discord, Telegram, or Microsoft Teams.

And if that wasn't enough, IngestAI even allows you to embed the chatbot into your website. This process takes mere minutes, breaking down barriers and making your documents more accessible and interactive than ever before.

In summary, IngestAI is an innovative AI tool that revolutionizes the way you interact with your documents. It offers a range of features, from creating chatbots to embedding them into your website. It's perfect for users who want to make their documents more interactive and accessible, and it's easy to use, even for those without technical skills or coding knowledge. All you need is your documents and a few minutes to get started.

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