Simplifying reading with AI-based text summarization and distraction filtering.

Open AI tool

Product information and features

TLDR This is an AI tool designed to simplify your reading experience by summarizing long articles, documents, essays, or papers into crucial summary paragraphs. This tool caters to a variety of users including students, writers, teachers, and journalists who often struggle with information overload. TLDR This, accessible at, can be a lifesaver for those who seek to quickly grasp the essence of lengthy texts.

In addition to summarizing content, TLDR This skims through the text to filter out distractions such as ads, popups, and graphics. It also discards weak arguments, baseless speculation, and flashy phrases, focusing only on the most pertinent points. This ensures a clean and focused reading experience, making it easier for you to absorb the crucial information.

The tool doesn't stop there. It also extracts valuable details from articles and blog posts such as the author's name, date of publication, related images, title, and estimated reading time. To add to its convenience, TLDR This is also integrated with browser extensions, enabling users to summarize articles with a single click.

In summary, TLDR This is a multifaceted AI tool that not only summarizes lengthy texts but also offers a distraction-free reading experience. It's an excellent tool for anyone seeking to quickly understand the key points of a text, extract valuable details from articles, or simply reduce information overload. It's convenient, user-friendly, and a real time-saver.

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